Our beloved Jet, You chose to stay with us the longest, dear friend, First your mum Kittie Cat came to me that day, she jumped up onto my wheelchair that day, landing ever so softly onto my lap, carefully avoiding that tender spot where my right leg used to be.
With that unique mottle colored face and those kind eyes, staring right into the depths of my soul, she got up on her hind legs, to snuggle briefly against my chest, just as she did when I brought her in from the cold on that terrible stormy and joyful night, 3 years before.
Braving the possible wrath of those pet-less creatures (us), she sat there on the outside window sill, her tiny body tossed about, as huge raindrops pelted down on her already drenched fur, forlornly peering inward to the warmth of our bedroom.
Yes, in that single moment she stole every ounce of love we could muster, snuggling up right there into all of out hearts. That day she left, briefly she gazed back into my eyes one last time as she gently jumped down onto the floor and disappeared through the open door, never to be seen again We still miss her terribly.
Your brothers and sisters all went ahead of you, but you, my boy, you stayed with us, moving with us to our new home, brave like your mom, you watched over us and your new great young friend, Anana our gangly legged pup, from that same land of special stray pets. Your tiny body returned to us, the victim of a hit and run.
Anana still misses you a lot my boy, and she still peers through your favorite open window some evenings, the moment she hears something sounding remotely like you coming in from one of your adventures.
Your ever loving family,
Andre' Daleen & Aurora