Monday, May 9, 2016

Symptoms your pet is sick and needs help

It can be difficult to know how your pet is feeling. Animals can’t tell us what is wrong with them, so it’s up to you as a loving pet owner to look for visible signs that your pet isn’t feeling well. Here are 12 symptoms to look out for that could indicate that your dog or cat is not well. Read on

An unfortunate fact of life, is that dogs and humans, get worms. There’s no way of stopping your dog from going outdoors in the park, backyard or for walks around the neighborhood, so he can readily  pick up parasites from the soil.
There are fortunately, many easy home remedies to treat your dog for worms if you prefer to eliminate additives, chemicals and artificial components from his diet.
The remedies listed below are both herbal, and homeopathic, so you can try as many as you like until you find one that works best for your dog. Read on...